Pokemon GO at OHS

The game for mobile smartphones, Pokémon GO, is making waves all over – including OHS and other animal shelters! You may have seen information about a shelter in Muncie, Indiana […]

A Dog’s Day at Work

Did you know that OHS Humane Educators visit local classrooms—often with a canine work partner? Follow along with one of the canines as she goes about a day on the job, teaching students […]

Aloha Dogs

It was a dark and stormy night…okay, it wasn’t really stormy, just a typical chilly Portland spring drizzle. But it was 10:45 pm at the Portland airport (PDX), and two […]

Fostering Healing

We’ve all seen those Who Rescued Who? bumper stickers, right? and You’ve probably also heard that having a pet has health benefits like lowering blood pressure and helping us live […]