A Deaf Dog Finds His Helper

Radar and Tina find their second chance, and their purpose, with each other.

In a busy shelter environment, dogs sometimes turn to each other for comfort and companionship.  They may share a kennel or participate in playgroups together. While some dogs find a playmate, things were different for Radar and Tina when they met in a busy shelter in Tulsa, Oklahoma. These two dogs found a purpose with each other.

Radar was brought in by his owner who was no longer able to care for him. This young handsome pitbull-type dog, with the endearing under bite, was bouncy and happy, but deaf. Tina, a lab mix, was picked up as a stray and had a deep, lost look in her eyes.

Radar and Tina’s time was limited, but volunteers at the Tulsa shelter knew there was something special about them so they were placed in a foster home until they could come to OHS via a transport with Fetch Fido a Flight.

In their foster home, it soon became clear that Radar needed Tina to help guide him around. She became his “ears” and he started to rely on her. If it was time to go outside, Tina would go find Radar and guide him. Radar showed his gratitude by cuddling with Tina and bringing her toys.

They traveled together on the long flight to Oregon. They were on the path to a new life but for Tina, it was loud and scary. This time, Radar did the work and comforted his friend. When they eventually got to OHS, the pair went out for a nice walk and were placed together in one of the biggest kennels at OHS with lots of cozy blankets and beds. Tina’s tummy was upset from the trip and once again Radar comforted her and brought her toys.

This unlikely couple are settling in to their new life in Oregon and ready for the final step in their journey – a home together where Radar can be guided by Tina and Tina can be comforted by Radar.

Read their profiles here:

Radar – https://staging.oregonhumane.org/adopt/details/230657/

Tina – https://staging.oregonhumane.org/adopt/details/230658/